Buin Zoo 2012 Wiki



"Name/local: Bandurria.

Distribution in Chile: From Antofagasta to Tierra Del Fuego.

Habitat: Swampy areas and shores of lakes and lagoons. Also in plowed fields and crops.

Description: Length 73 cm. Yellowish ochraceous neck and head with darker crown and nape. Whitish neck and chest separated by a gray line. Black sides of chest and abdomen. Grayish brown dorsus. Lower wing cover and medium dark gray with white edges; grayish white the higher zone. All have a long, decurved dark bill, relatively short reddish legs that do not extend beyond the tail while flying, and at least the back is grey."

Information from the zoo:

I did not see the Bandurria because the guide did not take us to see the bird. I couldn't appreciate its features and I wasn't able to collect more information of Bandurria. I just had to search information from the internet. I would have liked to see it alive.

Experience at the zoo:

My experience at the zoo was emotive, because it was very big, and there were several kinds of animals, different species, example: fish, bird , tigers, monkeys, etc.... An educational farm, aviary, a place for lunch, gift shop, etc...

I could touch and feed them, but only the less dangerous ones. I appreciated that they were in good conditions and they all had the necessary to make them feel in their original habitat. The guide facts in detail which helped to understand animals' behaviour and main characteristics.

In general it was very fun.

link: http://www.aveschile.cl/072.htm
